Settings and management

The interpreter can do a number of other useful things. They are outlined here.

Managing data

You should be able to store most of the objects you create in memory using the store command:

> store result as 'good_result'
> show store
> fetch 'good_result' as result

A more permanent solution is to use save and load:

> save result as 'good_result'
> ls saved_interrogations
> load 'good_result' as result

An alternative approach is to create variables using the call command:

> search corpus for words matching any
> call result anyword
> calculate anyword as percentage of self

A variable can also be a simple string, which you can then add into searches:

> call '/NN.?/ >># NP' headnoun
> search corpus for trees matching headnoun

To forget a variable, just do remove <name>.

Toggles and settings

  • Using toggle interactive, You can switch between interactive mode, where results and concordances are shown in a way that you can manipulate directly, and non-interactive mode, where results and concordances are simply printed to the console.
  • Using toggle conc, you can tell corpkit not to produce concordances. This can be much faster, especially when there are a lot of results.
  • toggle comma will display thousands separators in results
  • toggle annotation is used to switch from dry-run to actual modification of corpus files when annotating
  • You can set the number of decimals displayed when viewing results with set decimal to <n>
  • set max_rows to <n> and set max_cols to <n> limit the amount of data loaded into results lists. This can speed up interactive viewing.

Switching to IPython

When the interpreter constrains you, you can switch to IPython with ipython. Your objects are available there under the same name. When you’re done there, do quit to return to the corpkit interpreter.

Running scripts

You can also write and run scripts. If you make a file, participants.cki, containing:

#!/usr/bin/env corpkit

set mydata-parsed as corpus
search corpus for function matching roles.participant showing lemma
export result as csv to part.csv

You can run it from the terminal with:

corpkit participants.cki
# or, directly, if there's a shebang and chmod +x:

which will leave you with a CSV file at exported/part.csv. This approach can be handy if you need to pipe stdout or stderr, or if you want to call corpkit within a shell script.

Finally, just like Python, you can use the -c flag to pass code in on the command line:

corpkit -c "set 2 ; search corpus for features ; export result as csv to feat.csv"


When running a script, interactivity will automatically be switched off, and concordancing disabled if the script does not appear to need it.